Summer Enrollment Projections

Your summer on and off-campus enrollment planning have been submitted as part of your 5-year plan through the Office of Institutional Research and Planning. Therefore your FY24 projections should include enrollment projections for classes starting July 1, 2023 or later, and Summer 2024 classes starting before July 1, 2024. This will be submitted as part of your Fiscal Year 2024—2028 Enrollment Worksheets during the budget cycle.

Summer enrollment projections will be part of the general call for enrollment projections. Schools will receive a 3-year history with summer broken out by fiscal year in the general call for projections. There will be data for undergraduate and graduate for both, "on campus" and "online on campus." Therefore, summer projections will include Summer 2022 courses that begin July 1 or later and projected enrollments for Summer courses that start before July 1, 2023. IRP will send the Fiscal Year 2024—2028 Enrollment Worksheets to schools according to the timeline in the planning calendar. That information should also be available in the Financial Management Tool enrollment utility.

On- and off-campus summer enrollments are to be included in the FMT enrollment utility (not in the 5-year enrollment whole summer report as in previous years).