Health & Safety
GW values the health and safety of all the participants in the Pre-College Program. Several on-campus offices are dedicated to the well-being of students for the duration of the program.
Student Health Services
Students enrolled in summer courses have access to routine fee-for-service medical care at the Student Health Center. The center is available for medical appointments, urgent medical care during walk in business hours and 24/7 medical advice to GW students with an after-hours nurse hotline.
When emergency medical assistance is required, referrals are made to area hospitals and parents or guardians are notified immediately. Students who require medical assistance are accompanied by resident personnel.
Campus Safety
GW is committed to ensuring a safe and secure campus for its students. The university’s Foggy Bottom Campus is located near the White House, the Department of State and international bank buildings, making it in one of the most protected places in Washington, D.C. Both the Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon campuses are patrolled and serviced by the GW Police Department.
Parents can also check Campus Advisories at any time. Maintained by the Office of Emergency Management, Campus Advisories is the university's primary website used for communicating emergency preparedness and incident-related information to the GW community.
GW Alerts
Frequently, parents want to know about campus safety and how they can receive alerts if there is an emergency on or around campus. Parents can have their students link their emails and phones to GWAlert, an emergency communication system once their student receives their GWid number.
To add a parent email and/or phone:
Go to the GWeb Info System page.
Enter your GWid (this can be found in your acceptance letter and looks like: “G12345678”) and PIN (default is your birth date in MMDDYY format).
Scroll down and select GW Alert Emergency Notification and enter your information.
Visit GW Campus Advisories for more information.
Protection of Minors Policy
GW has a Protection of Minors Policy (PDF), which establishes guidelines and procedures to promote the protection of minors who participate in university programs.
Other Health & Safety Resources
The Pre-College Program works in conjunction with the following offices to ensure the safety and security of all program participants: