Summer Call Planning
Summer Sessions play an important role in providing academic flexibility for students to make progress toward a degree or to begin a program of study. Summer sessions can be part of an effective institutional strategy in providing innovative study opportunities and supporting student success. Summer Sessions also offer departments a way to manage oversubscribed courses, and they offer faculty opportunities to experiment with innovative curricula and flexible delivery formats, special programs in ways not easily accommodated during the academic year.
A Planning Calendar, Enrollment Projection guidelines, and Academic Scheduling policies are included here. In addition schools will receive their 5-year course enrollment histories, high demand course reports and a report of courses that have higher incidences of failing grades. Included in the enrollment history reports will be faculty summer appointment information to assist in assessing instructional costs as it relates to enrollments. This will be especially important in assessing cancellation thresholds and costs of low enrolled courses. Departments are also encouraged to use high demand reports to identify summer offerings as a way to manage bottlenecks and to offer courses our students need.
The teaching of summer courses in a compressed format requires that our faculty pay special attention to the time bands included in the Academic Scheduling section, to ensure that direct instructional hours and independent work meet the minimum federal requirements and the requirements of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Faculty may also reference the policy on the Provost’s website.