Nancy Singer

Nancy Singer
President, Compliance-Alliance
Nancy Singer founded Compliance-Alliance LLC in 2004 to specialize in the professional development for government, association, and business professionals. She has taught over 1700 people how to improve their communication practices. She is on the faculty of George Washington University Medical School and Health Science Program, and she has taught classes at Johns Hopkins University, University of Southern California, and Harvard Symposia.
She presently teaches classes for FDA Staff Colleges and FDA District Offices, Previously she served as Special Counsel for the Advanced Medical Technology Association. For her efforts to improve communication between the government and the regulated industry, Nancy received Vice President Gore’s Reinventing Government Hammer Award and the FDA Commissioner’s Special Citation.
She began her career as an attorney with the United States Department of Justice doing litigation for FDA enforcement cases. Subsequently she was a partner at the law firm of Kleinfeld Kaplan and Becker. Nancy is a retired commander in the Naval Reserve.